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Thursday, October 7, 2010

A New Menu

So this Monday I just started eating meat (chicken, turkey, seafood) again because I'm done with my annual seven weeks of vegetarian spiritual reflection, cleanse, or whatever you may call it. So in the last 4 days or so I haven't even had that much meat. I can actually tell you exactly what I had. A deck of cards worth of chicken that I ate from some curry, and 7 slices of turkey luncheon meat, and Kimchi that has some shrimp flavoring in it. I'm still eating pretty healthy and eating mainly salads and fruits, but with with me rearranging my diet, my stomach hasn't been too happy. As we may know, meat has to rot in our system before it is digested so I think my body isn't taking it well even though I'm not haven't even eaten that much meat. I think since I did my veggie period and eating really healthy, I feel like I don't even want or need as much meat as I used to eat - just enough for proteins. But whose to say I won't stuff my face with Popeyes next week? I'm just waiting to see how long it will take for my body to readjust to meat again.

I do think that you have to be careful not to let this book rule your life though. I mean the list is very long and extensive, even though we a lot of the rules are really simple to follow. Some of these rules I listen to, but have a hard time putting into practice. Rule 54, breakfast is suppose to be the biggest meal in the day and honestly I body can not physically bring itself to eat much more than a sandwich or some fruits early like that in the morning. I mean I do want to eat a lot in the morning and even if I'm really hungry, after I have a small portion of something, that it's for me, I don't want anything else for until a few hours later. It's tough trying to eat a good size meal in the morning because then my stomach just can't handle it. I have been really good at cutting out treats from my life though. I just don't bother buying them cause I'll just eat them. But I will now and then buy some York patties or chocolate cause I don't want to deprive myself of them. I think one of the most effective things you can do in this process if switch from snacking on sweets and chips to eating more veggies and fruits. Everyday I pack a lunch because I try to eat every few hours nowadays. I always pack a bag of fruits like kiwis, strawberries, grapes, and I throw some carrots in there too. Something delicious and healthy to snack on when you're hungry and it's completely guilt-free!

Another I notice now is that I opt out for the easy food options for meal. What I mean is that we are busy people and something we don't always have time to cook. I do fast meals like veggie and cheese panini, or just a salad if I'm really lazy. Couscous is quite easy too, just boil some water, seasoning, a can of dice tomatoes, boil, put in your cup of couscous, and turn of the heat and cover it and that's it. And sometimes when I get really lazy I just won't eat cause there's nothing really that healthy to snack on or I might just have an apple or carrots if there is one. In my family, my parents never buy us chips or cookies so if you want a snack you have to buy it yourself. So I have to be careful and make sure I always have food stocked in my cabinets so I don't starve to death.

P.S I'm not a Whole Foods store advocate nor do I typically shop there, but I notice their grain aisle was actually kind of cheap and stone ground wheat was actually cheap like .99 cents per pound or something. It's good that we try other grains like couscous, quinoa, and bulgar rather than rice.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you reminded us of Couscous! It has been a long time since I last cooked it. I know a wonderful meal with couscous, I will look it up to share with you soon.
