You are all hereby invited to contribute a dish to the "Food Rules" PotLuck, to be held on Tuesday, November 9, 2010 @ 3:30pm. Directions to follow.
In the meantime, please post under comments the dish you plan to prepare, recipes and all. I think this'd make a nice catalogue of food to celebrate the experiment!
UPDATE: please bring your own individual plate, drinking cup, and napkin (preferably cloth--which I'll be happy to wash). I have enough silverware for all. I'd like to see how little waste this gathering can produce!
Also, if you need to cook anything or warm anything, please feel free to use my stove, microwave, toaster, etc.
And, finally, not all of you might be keen on cooking/baking/making something. So feel free to bring a store-bought food or drink item. I have water and some juice always to hand, but if you want anything in particular, bring it!
What to bring, what to bring!
ReplyDeleteOk I think I am going to make my famous Spinach-and-Artichoke dip, which is always requested and always seems to be a hit at every party I throw.
Spinach and Artichoke Dip (recipe can be doubled)
8 oz. Frozen Spinach (or fresh spinach, cooked, drained, and cooled)
8 oz. Philadelphia Cream Cheese
1 can artichoke hearts (In water), chopped
1 small onion, finely chopped
Salt and Pepper to taste
If using frozen spinach, thaw as directed. In lg. saucepan, combine spinach and cream cheese. Cook on med-low until cream cheese is melted, stirring occasionally. In separate skillet, saute' onions until tender (using a bit of real butter, of course :). Add onions and chopped artichoke hearts to spinach and cream cheese, and stir all until combined. Put in casserole dish and bake for 10 -12 minutes at 350. Serve slightly warm with whole grain crackers or chips (which follow Pollan's 5-ingredient, all-pronouncable rules, of course) and ENJOY!
This makes a delicious, healthy appetizer and is sure to be a hit at your next gathering! Can't wait to bring it. Janelle, do you have an oven I can heat it in to serve?
I think I'm making coucous, but debating if I should bring something more Vietnamese. Recipe to come shortly.
ReplyDeleteThai cashew chicken stir-fry is my favorite non-local food of all time. I've made this before and it came out wonderfully. I'll have to visit my parents' house to use their stove, but cashew chicken is worth going to Argentina. And they don't live in Argentina; they live here. So.
I plan to bake bread. a few loaves. and to get some garlic goat cheese from the farmer's market. perhaps something more...
ReplyDeleteALl these food sound soooo great!
ReplyDeleteI think I will be making saute mushroom & sweet potatoes in curry sauce. I've only ever made this once so hopefully it goes well a second time around and it will be VEGEN! So everyone should be able to eat. Recipe to come.
I will hopefully be bringing some satsumas. However, I missed my chance to go to Hollygrove Market Saturday. They aren't open again until tomorrow afternoon. So, I'll stop by there before the party.
ReplyDeleteI am going to bring some pomegranates for the party tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteingredients for pesto pasta salad with walnuts:
fresh basil
Parmesan cheese
olive oil
black pepper
blend together by taste. I added some crushed walnuts on top after to give some texture. If you are preparing for the following day, you might want to add a little more olive oil before serving so it isn't dry.
awesome potluck everyone.