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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Affluent Malnutrition

If you've been in and out of airports and hotels for two days, like I have—just two days—you will feel highly malnourished. I start to feel it about a day in to any trip that involves “eating” the “food” that these “venues” “provide“ (nb scare quotes). You spent all this money, and for what?

1 comment:

  1. You've spent the money to keep the hotel chains going, restaurants running, servers serving, food packagers packing, and food processing machinery operating smoothly. In return? Well, there's not much you get in return, unfortunately.

    I can definitely identify with your eating while traveling, because this past summer I attended a conference in Milwaukee. Eating while traveling always makes me a little nervous to begin with, because I am a picky eater and I am also very health-conscious, and have trouble "eating on the run" in and out of airports and such. (I don't eat fast food. I just don't. Haven't in probably 8+ years)So there's a dilemma right there. Now, Milwaukee was a beautiful city, but their common "specialty" "fare" being bratwurst, beer, and "beer-cheese soup" (??!?) I found myself struggling to find alternative healthy choices, especially considering that the places we frequented were the Convention Center, Hotel, and main down-town City areas - all of which "boasted" these "specialties."

    Needless to say, I was grateful I had brought some healthy snacks with me, and ended up eating a grilled chicken sandwich -hold the cheese and red pepper mayo- with tomato and lettuce for three nights in a row.

    I was so grateful to get home and back to "normal" food - or at least, to normal availibility of food. Not that food wasn't available on the trip - it just happened to be the type of high-priced "food" that hurt my pocket as well as my stomach... all for the sake of "feeding the economy."
