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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Rule 64

looks like a good place to start.

"Break the rules once in a while."

Last Friday, I decided to start following Michael Pollan's deliciously impossible rules. That night, I failed. Every year, usually around the new calendar or academic year, I tell myself, "Tom, we're going to start eating healthily this semester." I get all excited. Maybe buy some vegetables. Then, I'm offered one sweet treat and I never look back. From there, it's candy and icecream snacks and fried and microwaveable dinners.

On Friday, the culprit was a Blue Raspberry Airhead. I hadn't had an Airhead since sixth grade! The smiling balloon was calling my name. In three bites, I broke Rules 1-7, 39, 42, 56, 57, and 60. Luckily, 64 told me it was okay.

What am I doing?! I am breaking the rules on the first day! I caught myself justifying the situation by thinking of the first day of this experiment as a "special occasion."

[Airhead ingredients: Sugar, Corn Syrup, Maltodextrin, Dextrose, Modified Food Starch, Partially Hydrogenated Soybean Oil, Water, Citric Acid, Artificial Flavors, Blue 1] Water is healthy, right?


  1. I love that you included the airhead ingredients. I chuckled aloud in the computer lab. One rule from the book that I find helpful and amusing is the rule that has you visualize the ingredients in whatever you are about to eat. For some reason I just can't visualize Maltodextrin and partially hydrogenated soybean oil growing in nature! This rule has been helping me put down a lot of what I want to eat. I'm hungry.

  2. for camaraderie's sake: i thoroughly enjoyed my bowl of Lucky Charms this morning... right down to the grayish/greenish/blueish-colored milk at the end!

  3. Oh and those marshmallows are just the best, aren't they? That was always my absolute favorite part of eating those things when I was younger, and I always got upset that there were more cereal pieces than crunchy marshmallows! Because who ever heard of a crunchy marshmallow? General Mills = Genius!
