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Friday, November 19, 2010


Animals has given me a lot to think about. Though I already don't eat mammals, I wonder if I can take it to the next level and not eat chicken or turkey, and eventually give up seafood altogether too. I'm not too hard on myself about it because I have reduce my intake of poultry and it's a process so it is hard to give up everything at once. I just wonder and feel horrible about the conditions that these animals have gone through. I'm definitely having more of issue of the way they are treated than actually eating meat. As you know I grew up in Vietnam and we tons of animals around our house. There were chickens everywhere, and they had a nice comfy place to nest and lay eggs and they were allowed to walk where ever they wanted and eat what they wanted. There was no lock or door, they came and went as they pleased. I had no problems eating those eggs and we've eaten some of those chickens, but they were killed humanly and quickly. They also had a good long life, usually at least 6 to 12 months if not longer. Compare that to the factory farm chicken which takes about 50 days or so from hatching to the slaughter house! 50 days! they are even bigger than the ones that are free range so can you just imagine all the hormones and toxins they inject these chickens with!!! It is crazy. I also remember how my aunt was raising about 60 ducks to sell at the market, but in Vietnam you always walk your animals and tend to them. They were allowed to swim in the ditches and ate what they want. It's just the way we have taken to producing animals that is so horrible and it wouldn't kill anyone to eat less meat. When I do my vegetarian period, so many tell me they couldn't be able to do it because they meat so much. I think a study once said that we are eating way more meat than we actually should, so if people just skipped the extra burger or steak we could help reduce the production of meat. It's just so frustrating to think about and knowing that if everyone made small efforts, then we could really change things. I'm not asking people to become vegans or give up meat completely, but if we reduce our intakes it would make a world of difference.

Back to my food rules, I'm going to celebrate Thanksgiving this Sunday because that's the only time the family can be together and I'm debating about getting a pecan pie or not. I LOVE LOVE pecan pie, though I know it's so horrible for you, but I can't help it. (I did end up buying that pie, and I don't feel bad at all) Then there is also the issue of the turkey, and how I feel about it. I just wanted to say that I am back on the Food Rules train and eating well again. It's okay to eat other things once in while especially with thanksgiving coming around, but we can't fall off track now. So close and almost at the end, but we'll have to continue this even after the class is over.

1 comment:

  1. I don't eat mammals either and this year was the first year, aside from the year I had my wisdom teeth removed, that I didn't want to eat the turkey. I haven't been eating mammals because they are closer to humans and I feel that they have emotions and personalities. I am starting to think birds do to, but that they are harder for us to understand. I was talking to one of my relatives who lives on a farm and kills the animals she eats. I would almost prefer that. At least I would know where the poultry I ate came from and I would be taking responsibility for the life that I took to eat... I almost preferred this thanksgiving. I like dressing and pie more anyway. I love pecan pie too. I had a regular and a chocolate which was amazing. Meat doesn't have that great of a flavor. It adds flavor to other things, but meat alone is a little plain. It provides protein. There are a lot of great poultry or fish options at restaurants. I am sort of talking you through the debate that has been going on in my head :)
